13.06.2019 07:31 [0] "201906130731-0-1.jpg" |
13.06.2019 08:45 Was ein Zufall die ganzen Preisdumperverschwinden einer nach dem anderenvom Markt! Nach Aulerion wo man für unglaubliche 5 US$ im Monat ne BGP Session mi 1 TBTraffic bekam(die haben slebst eingeshen daß das wirtchaftlich nicht geht) gibt es jetzt auch Alpharacks nicht mehrwo man für 7 US$ je gesamtesJahr (nicht monatlich bei Jährlicher Zahlung) ne OpenVZ VPS bekam. Die hatten vorher HostMyBytes aufgekauftdie ne ähnliche Preisstruktur hatten. === "It has come to our attention that there have been certain inappropriate activities going on within our organization which has lead us to initiate a criminal investigation." Wie Alpharacks vollkomen richtig sagt gibt es regelrecht kirminelle Banden welche den Anbietern im Netz das Leben schwer machen. Und Schutzgeld/ gewerk-schaftsartig organisierte Banden kimineller Tchies die den nicht frein Anbeiternb die Server udn Router ab-schießen. Faustregel: je billiger ein Anbieter ist desto unseriöser. VPS Server in Mitteleuropa unter ca. 50,00 Euro im Jahr geht nunmal nicht. Wenn es vernünftig sein soll ist man ab 20,00 Euro im Monat ohne richtigen Support dabei. Im asiatsichen Raum sind die Preise ähnlich, in Nord-amerika etwas geringer, allein Russland ist aktuell ziemlich billig wegen Krim Krise/Ukraine. Der arabsiche Raum und Afrika sind Schweine-teuer. Die ganzen 1,00 Euro angebote sind Lockan-gebote die anch einiger Zeit teurer werden. Ich werde nie wieder den Fehelr machen Perosnla einzstellen das dann evruchte den Chef raszumobben dudn en Ladne fidnlcigh zu üebrnamen wie sich an Programmen wie MR Nova zeigt. Wieso musste das neu geschrieben werden? Denkt maldrüber nach. Die wollten Marktateile/das Gehalt vom Chef unter sich aufteilen. === After over a decade in business we regret to inform you that AlphaRacks is officially closing its doors. Given the recent outage that exceeded the provisions and financial capabilities of our disaster recovery plan, AlphaRacks will no longer be providing services. We were a budget focused VPS provider, which did not leave room for additional options financially within our disaster recovery plans. We have contacted various different VPS hosting companies to attempt to establish a transfer agreement that is in accordance to our privacy policy. In addition, some of the below providers have reached out to us offering assistance / credit for our customers. Below are other budget VPS providers that should provide you with a suitable new home for your VPS needs: ... LIST OF ALTERNATIVES ... We would like to thank our customers for a great decade of your Business and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. --- We are aware of an outage and ask for your patience. It appears that our datacenter / network upstream is facing a route issue which is causing downtime for some customers. We appreciate your trust and patience and are working as diligently as possible to restore services. We are just looking further into this matter for you and will be delivering a prompt up to you as soon as we can. This could take up to a couple of working days, but we aim to have this incidence concluded as soon as possible. We are further in correspondence with our datacenter. Also if you've detected that our site is being slow its due the fact we are receiving a high ticket load. Thank you for your patience. --- https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:QurrbyiNKpUJ:https://www.alpharacks.com/myrack/index.php%3Frp%3D/announcements/30/Statement-regarding-our-current-outage-and-relating-situation.html+&cd=1&hl=de&ct=clnk&gl=de&client=firefox-b-d Thank you for taking the time to review this important notice we are addressing to you. It is regarding the clearly unacceptable outage upon which, AlphaRacks is currently suffering from which has arisen from an internal dispute within QuadraNet, upon which, we have not been notified as to what is happening with the situation over at the data center. Firstly, please let us apologise to ALL customers regarding the current situation upon which we found ourselves in. Not only is it embarrassing, it is also very gutting for the company, due to the situation we find ourselves within. Upon restoration of AlphaRacks services, we will be issuing customers with appropriate compensation and service extensions, accordingly. Many rumours have been banished around the community, which we are solely looking to clear up due to the fact being, there are multiple amounts of false information being passed around the community, which is going to be expected due to one of the largest outages in the industries known history. We are aware of an internal statement which has been issued by QuadraNet, to most of their customers which follows, (credit to Kris on LowEndTalk for posting this): It has come to our attention that there have been certain inappropriate activities going on within our organization which has lead us to initiate a criminal investigation. The Company takes these activities very seriously and is taking immediate actions to deal with them appropriately. The issue that has come up has no direct effect on your account or services, Rest assured that the Company has taken appropriate measures to protect itself and our valued customers, and your data and services remain safe and secure. We would like to notify you that effective immediately Dustin Cisneros and Adam Ng are no longer working for the Company. Should you need assistance with any of your services or have any questions, feel free to contact us at sales@quadranet.com or call us directly at 877-578-XXXX. You may also reach out to me on my personal email or phone in my signature. I am here to assist with any question or concern. Thank you for your continued support! Firstly, to set the record straight, the company AlphaRacks is owned solely by Julian Jin and is not owned by neither party formerly working for QuadraNet; our server provider within Los Angeles. The associations within the internal affairs which may be occurring within the business at QuadraNet and this has no connection to AlphaRacks directly. We currently have a team ranging across all parts of the world including both the United States and the United Kingdom working on the situation which is paramount for us to ensure that it is resolved. Currently, from what is understood, there is a criminal investigation occurring within QuadraNet as to the recent events which have developed. From what we know accurately, our services were shutdown with no notice by QuadraNet, last week. It is very important for us to note, that we have attempted to contact the company via email, tickets and via the phone consistently and constantly throughout the past week with the main aim to see the reasoning behind the disconnection of our servers. We have explicitly been told by QuadraNet over the phone for us to await in their ticketing queue for an answer from management; with all tickets being closed immediately, giving us no reason and leaving us left for dead, with zero explanation to our loyal and great customers. We can however confirm the reason for our service disconnection is 100% not the result of any late payment as services were within their billing period upon their disconnection. By no means does AlphaRacks wish to defame or slander QuadraNet, whom we as a company offer great respect for, being an integral part of our developing history. However, we would like QuadraNet to remain integral for the future of business; going forwards, we would sincerely like to work with the company to restore access to customer data. We will be acting in accordance to our Terms and Conditions throughout the whole extent of this situation. Our terms and conditions can be accessed via https://www.alpharacks.com/legal/terms/. AlphaRacks can also confirm we are in direct negotiation with datacentre partners to begin to recover from this abysmal situation, as soon as possible. We would like to take the opportunity to thank customers for their patience and support during this shocking period for the company. Any further updates will be directly communicated via both our website and social media channels. Requests for support can be made to either support@alpharacks.com, julian@alpharacks.com or josh@alpharacks.com. Friday, May 24, 2019 [0] "201906130845-0-1.jpg" [1] "201906130845-0-2.jpg" |